administration student task rubric student work technical quality
Testing a New Drug 1
Contributed by: New York State Alternative Assessment in Science Project (NYSED)

Maximum Score - 29 Points

Question 1. 4 points total


    • Allow 4 points if the student states a hypothesis that identifies a variable, expected effect/change, and directionality of effect.

Sample of acceptable response:

Alamain lowers the blood pressure in humans with high blood pressure.

    • Allow 3 points if the stated hypothesis includes only two of the factors above.
    • Allow 2 points if the stated hypothesis only includes one of the factors above.
    • No credit if the stated hypothesis includes none of the factors above even if it is in complete sentences.

***Deduct 1 point if the answer includes at least one of the above factors but it is not in complete sentences.

Question 2. 4 points total


    • Allow 4 points if the student states these factors:

An equal number in the experimental and control groups.

A number between 50 and 1000 is suggested, but the teacher should decide if the chosen number is acceptable.

An adequate explanation why the number was chosen.

Sample of acceptable response:

The number 50 was chosen since it will average out any variations not controlled for in the experimental design.

The number 100 was chosen since it is a large enough number to eliminate any uncontrolled variables, but not too large as to be unmanageable.

    • Allow 3 points if the student states only two of the above factors.
    • Allow 2 points if the student states only one of the above factors.

***Deduct 1 point if the answer includes at least one of the above factors, but is not written in complete sentences.

Question 3. 5 points total


    • Allow 1 point for each of the five factors listed that can be associated with causing high blood pressure.

Sample of acceptable responses, but not limited to:

Age, smoker or non-smoker, sex, present blood pressure, diet, stress, amount of daily exercise, percent body fat, weight, family history, daily or weekly alcohol consumption, cholesterol level, etc.

Question 4. 2 points total


    • Allow 2 points for an explanation that all of the participants should be matched as closely as possible to the factors listed in Question 3 to reduce the variation between participants or that the participants start out as similar as possible so no other variable could be affecting the blood pressure.
    • Allow 1 point for a correct explanation, but not written in complete sentences.
    • No credit for an incorrect response even if written in complete sentences.

Question 5. 2 points total


    • Allow 2 points for stating or describing that random sampling must be used. Statement should be written in complete sentences.
    • Allow for 1 point for a correct statement but not written in complete sentences.
    • No credit for an incorrect response even if written in complete sentences.

Question 6. 3 points total


    • Allow 3 points if the student states that a harmless substance be made into a pill with the same size and shape as the experimental pill, and that this would be done to make sure the participants would not know if they were given the drug or not.
    • Allow 2 points if only one of the above is stated.

***Deduct 1 point if the answer includes at least one of the above factors but is not in complete sentences.

    • No credit for an incorrect response even if written in complete sentences.

Question 7. 2 points total


    • Allow 2 points if the student states that the experimental and placebo pills should be administered to the participants on a regular basis (once a day, once a week, every two weeks, etc.).
    • Allow 1 point for a correct statement but not in complete sentences.
    • No credit for an incorrect response even if written in complete sentences.

Question 8. 4 points total


    • Allow 4 points for stating the following measurements/tests/observations:

Measurement of blood pressure

Measurement done on a regular basis (once a day, once a week, every two weeks, etc.)

Tests or observations to measure harmful side effects

    • Allow 3 points if the student states any two of the above items.
    • Allow 2 points if the student states only one of the above items.

***Deduct 1 point if the answer includes at least one of the above factors but is not in complete sentences.

    • No credit for an incorrect response even if written in complete sentences.

Question 9. 3 points total


    • Allow 3 points for stating these criteria or observations:

The drug is successful if it lowered the blood pressure of the experimental group.

There were no harmful side effects.

    • Allow 2 points if the student states only one of the above items.

***Deduct 1 point if the answer includes at least one of the above factors but is not in complete sentences.

    • No credit for an incorrect response even if written in complete sentences.

Highest possible score - 29 points



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