administration student task rubric student work technical quality
Rising Waters
Contributed by: Kentucky Department of Education (KDE)

General Scoring Rubric

  • The student completes all important components of the task and communicates ideas clearly.
  • The student demonstrates in-depth understanding of the relevant concepts and/or processes.
  • Where appropriate, the student chooses more efficient and/or sophisticated processes.
  • Where appropriate, the student offers insightful interpretations or extensions (generalizations, applications, analogies).
  • The student completes most important components of the task and communicates ideas clearly.
  • The student demonstrates understanding of major concepts even though he/she overlooks or misunderstands some less important ideas or details.
  • The student completes some important components of the task and communicates those clearly.
  • The student demonstrates that there are gaps in his/her conceptual understanding.
  • The student shows minimal understanding.
  • The student addresses only a small portion of the required task(s).
  • Response is totally incorrect or irrelevant.
  • No response

Rising Waters
Scoring Rubric
KIRIS Performance Event, Grade 4

This task is scored holistically, with one guide.

4 Data sheet shows accurate ranking of balls by size and weight. Measurement of amount of water displaced is accurate enough to correctly rank balls. Individual report shows complete understanding of ranking by measurement or comparison, and correctly relates the weight of each floating ball to the volume of water it displaced. Response to the 3-ball problem shows student applied knowledge gained from the activity.
3 Data sheet may have some errors in ranking by size and weight, but it is mostly correct. Some errors may appear in measuring water displacement and determining related rankings, but the pattern still shows a relationship between weight and displacement. Individual report shows understanding of the ranking process, but may not clearly state the relationship between weight and displacement. Response to the three ball problem may be correct, but does not clearly show transfer of knowledge gained from the activity. Or answer may be wrong, but student shows understanding of correlation between weight and displacement.
2 Data sheet ranking of size and weight is only partly correct, with errors. Displacement is not measured accurately enough to clearly show relationships. Rankings on individual report are partly correct, but student does not see correlation between weight and displacement. Response to three ball question is incorrect, or ranking is correct but explanation is wrong.
1 Data sheet ranking may be partly right, and displacement may be partly correct, but individual work shows confusion using data collected by others. Report may show some ability to rank by size, but little or no understanding of ranking by weight or displacement.
0 Response is totally incorrect or irrelevant.
Blank No response.



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