administration student task rubric student work technical quality
Acid and Base Testing 1
Contributed by: New York State Education Department (NYSED)

Maximum Score:  12 Points

Question 5 Litmus paper data table 1 4 points total

Indicator Solution A Solution B Solution C
Row 1 Blue Litmus blue or same or
no change
red or pink blue or same or
no change
Row 2 Red Litmus red or same or no
red or same or no
blue or purple

Point Criteria:

  • Blue Litmus
    - Allow 1 point if both Solutions A and C are correct.
    - Allow 1 point if Solution B is correct.
  • Red Litmus
    Allow 1 point if both Solutions A and B are correct.
    Allow 1 point if Solution C is correct.

Question 7. Phenolphtahlein data table. 2 points total
Indicator Solution A Solution B Solution C
Row 3 Phenolphthalein clear or same
or no change
clear or same
or no change

Point Criteria:

  • Phenolphthalein
    - Allow 1 point if both Solutions A and C are correct.
    - Allow 1 point if Solution C is correct.

Question 9. Identify acidic solution and explain your answer. 3 points total
Point Criteria:

  • Allow 1 point for identifying the acidic solution as solution B
    - Accept any student's response correctly based on his/her data
    - Multiple answers receive no credit
  • Allow 2 points for an explanation relating student data to background information.
    - Solution B turned blue litmus red which indicates an acid.
    - Allow only 1 point if the student states the background information without relating it to his/her data.

Question 10. Identify basic solution and explain your answer. 3 points total
Point Criteria:

  • Allow 1 point for identifying the basic solution as solution C.
    - Accept any student's response correctly based on his/her data
    - Multiple answers receive no credit
  • Allow 2 points for an explanation relating student data to background information.
    Solution C turned red litmus blue and/or phenolphthalein pink which indicates a base.
    Allow only 1 point if the student states the background information without relating it to his/her data.

Highest possible score - 12 points


NYS Alternative Assessment in Science Project
Copyright, April 1996
The State University of New York
The State Education Department
Albany, New York 12234

Student ID _______________________________ Scoring Form - Acid & Base Testing 1
Male or Female (circle one)  

Circle the student's score for each question. Add the points for each question and write the total score at the bottom of the scoring form.

  Total Score _______________________________
  Total possible score - 12 points


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