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Tree Study
Contributed by: New Standards (NS)

Scoring Guide: Tree Study - Question 1
2 The response includes accurate measurements for at least three of the four leaves* (+/- 2 mm). The data is clearly displayed and includes (A-D) for each measurement. A data table may be included. Appropriate units of measure are indicated. (*Reference values for measurements of each leaf, A-D: 69; 63; 77; 55.)
1 The response might lack accurate measurements for two or more leaves labels for leaves (A-D). The data display may not be clearly labeled (A-D) or might be written such that the leaf measurements cannot be read reliably. Units of measure might be missing, inappropriate, or not match the numerical values.
0 The response might contain a restatement of the question, but does not include adequate evidence of student ability to use a ruler and/or organize and display data. Leaf measurements might be inaccurate, lack appropriate units, and lack labels.
off topic The response might include marks, words, or phrases, but the response is unrelated to the situation in the question.
blank No marks were made in the student response section.

Scoring Guide: Tree Study - Question 2
3 The response gives a reasonable estimate of the length of the new leaf using available facts/observations to support the assertion. (If the previous measurements made by the student were accurate, the new leaf would be between 59 and 72 mm.) An explanation refers to the previous measurements and suggests that the measurement range or other trend in the data justifies the prediction. The response might include the suggestion that most leaves of the same type are close to the same size. The response demonstrates that the student is able to generalize trends and identify patterns in data that was collected in the previous activity.
2 The response gives a reasonable estimate of the length of the new leaf using available facts/observations but the explanation might be vague, lack clarity, or is based on faulty reasoning. The student attempts to use the available data to support the prediction. The student might base the prediction on an erroneous perception of a trend in the data, or an experience other than the measurements made in question 1. Slight errors in reasoning might be included. The response demonstrates that the student has some ability to generalize trends in data.
1 The response attempts to give an estimate of the length of the new leaf, but the explanation is missing or flawed in the logic used. Alternatively, the estimate might be outside the range of the previously measured leaves (A-D) or unrelated to previous measurements. The response demonstrates that the student has limited ability to generalize trends and identify patterns.
0 The response might not give an estimate of the length of the new leaf; or, if given, the estimate is not reasonable and not supported. The question may be restated, but the response does not include evidence that the student is able to generalize trends or identify patterns.
off topic The response might include marks, words, or phrases, but the response is unrelated to the situation in the question.
blank No marks were made in the student response section.

Scoring Guide: Tree Study - Question 3
2 Two reasonable sources of error are described. These might include, but are not limited to, lack of skill in using a ruler, inaccuracy of the ruler itself, mistakes in student judgment, distractions during the measurement procedure, and/or misunderstanding the directions. (The response "measured wrong" or something analogous is not acceptable.) The response indicates that the student is able to evaluate the reasonableness of data and recognize possible sources of error in measurements.
1 An attempt to identify or describe a possible source of error, but might be vague or include misconceptions about measuring in general. The response indicates that the student has limited ability to understand the reasonableness of data or recognize possible sources of error in measurements
0 There is little or no evidence that the task was successfully completed. The response might be a restatement of the question, but does not include evidence that the student is able to evaluate the reasonableness of data or recognize possible sources of error in measurements
off topic The response might include marks, words, or phrases, but the response is unrelated to the situation in the question.
blank No marks were made in the student response section.

Scoring Guide: Tree Study - Question 4
2 The response includes at least two reasonable questions about trees that could be studied by 4th graders. The questions are clearly stated, are distinct from each other and are suitable for scientific study, experimentation, and/or data collection. The answers to the student generated questions would potentially increase the student's knowledge and/or understanding of the characteristics of trees.
1 The response includes at least one reasonable question about trees that could be studied by 4th graders. The question is clearly stated and suitable for scientific study, experimentation, and/or data collection. A second question, if included, might be stated, or is not distinct from the previous question. The answers to at least one question would potentially increase the student's knowledge and/or understanding of the characteristics of trees.
0 The response might contain actual fragments of material from the prompt, but the attempt to formulate questions suitable for scientific experimentation are not successful.
off topic The response might include marks, words, or phrases, but the response is unrelated to the situation in the question.
blank No marks were made in the student response section.


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