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Interdisciplinary Task: Weather

3rd Grade Performance Task
Developed by: Maryland Department of Education
Maryland School Performance Assessment Program, 1992


Grade 3: Science/Reading/Writing/Language Use

Activity 1
Science Outcome 5: Processes of Science - observing

2 = The response thoroughly demonstrates the ability to observe and identify weather features. It does this by listing at least four specific features, with some degree of quantification.

1 = The response adequately demonstrates the ability to observe and identify weather features. It does this by listing four general or three specific features, with little or no quantification.

0 = Other

Activity 3
Science Outcome 5: Processes of Science - communicating

2 = The response thoroughly demonstrates the ability to communicate findings in graphic form. It does this by presenting a chart with four or more features on one axis and five days on the other; both axes are clearly labeled.

1 = The response adequately demonstrates the ability to communicate findings in graphic form. It does this by presenting a chart with two-three features on one axis and both axes correctly labeled or four features, with one axis not clearly labeled or correctly labeled.

0 = Other

Activity 4
Reading to Perform a Task: Global Understanding

2 = Syntheses of multiple ideas or one idea extended.

1 = One overly general or overly specific idea.

0 = Other

Activity 7
Reading to Perform a Task: Developing Interpretation/Personal Response/Critical Stance

3 = Opinion stated and supported with multiple ideas from the text and substantial inferences supported by references to the text.

2 = Opinion stated and supported with some ideas from the text and some inferences supported by references to the text.

1 = Opnion stated with general references to the text or opinion implied with some support.

0 = Other

Activity 11
Reading to Perform a Task: Developing Interpretation/Personal Response/Critical Stance

3 = Opinion stated and supported with multiple ideas from the text and substantial inferences supported by references to the text; more than one perspective evident.

2 = Opinion stated and supported with some ideas from the text and some inferences supported by references to the text; more than one perspective evident.

1 = Opinion stated with general references to the text or opinion implied with some support; only one perspective evident.

0 = Other

Activity 12
Language Usage

2 = Consistently uses word and sentence order and language choices to express meaning with style and tone. Text conveys uniform impression of correctness* and any errors that are present represent risk-taking.

1 = Sometimes uses word and sentence order and language choices to express meaning with style and tone. Text conveys uniform impression of correctness and any errors that are present represent risk-taking.

0 = Rarely or never uses word and sentence order and language choices to express meaning with style and tone. Text appears error-ridden.

* correct usage, punctuation, spelling and capitalization.

Activity 16
Science Outcome 5/Processes of Science - communicating

2 = The response thoroughly demonstrates the ability to communicate findings in graphic form. It does this by presenting a chart that represents collected data accurately and completely.

1 = The response adequately demonstrates the ability to communicate findings in graphic form. It does this by presenting a chart that represents collected data with minor inaccuracies and/or omissions.

0 = Other




3 points: Development: The writer provides accurate, specific, purposeful information that is extended and expanded to fully explain the topic.
  Organization: The writer establishes an organizational plan and consistently maintains it.
  Attention to Audience: The writer provides information relevant to the needs of the audience.
  Language: The writer consistently uses language choices to enhance the text.
2 points: Development: The writer provides information that adequately explains the topic with some extension of ideas. The information is usually accurate and purposeful.
  Organization: The writer establishes and maintains an organizational plan, but the plan may have some minor flaws.
  Attention to Audience: The writer provides information relevant to the needs of the audience.
  Language: The writer consistently uses language choices to enhance the text.
1 point: Development: The writer provides information that inadquately explains the topic, with some extension of ideas. The information is sometimes inaccurate, general, or extraneous.
  Organization: The writer generally establishes and maintains an organizational plan.
  Attention to Audience: The writer provides some information relevant to the needs of the audience.
  Language: The writer sometimes uses language choices to enhance the text.
0 points: Development: The writer provides insufficient information to explain the topic. The information provided may be vague or inaccurate.
  Organization: The writer either did not establish an organizational plan or, if an organizational plan is established, it is only minimally maintained.
  Attention to Audience: The writer did not provide information relevant to the needs of the audience.
  Language: The writer seldom, if ever, uses language choices to enhance the text.

A: Blank - There is no response

B: The writer's response is off-task and/or off topic. It does not address the question that was asked.

C: Unscorable - The writer's response cannot be read (e.g., it is illegible, incomprehensible).

D: Copied from test text.



3 Points:

Throughout the entire text there is evidence of the writer's using language choices and order for effective style, tone, and expression of meaning. The text uniformly conveys an impression of correctness, with few, if any, errors. Erros that occur may appear as a consequence of risk-taking in language use. The writer consistently:

  • uses varied sentence formation to create style and tone and to enhance meaning
  • uses language choices to create style and tone and to enhance meaning
  • demonstrates correct usage, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization
2 points:

Through much of the text there is evidence of the writer's using language choices and order for effective style, tone, and expression of meaning. The text generally conveys an impression of correctness. The errors that occur may be of one or two types and occur infrequently. Sometimes errors that occur may appear as a consequence of risk-taking in language use. The writer frequently:

  • uses varied sentence formation to create style and tone and to enhance meaning
  • uses language choices to create style and tone and to enhance meaning
  • demonstrates correct usage, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization
1 point:

In portions of the text there is evidence of the writer's using language choices and order for effective style, tone, and expression of meaning. Errors of several types may occur, and may be repeated. Errors do not appear to be the result of risk-taking. The writer sometimes:

  • uses varied sentence formation to create style and tone and to enhance meaning
  • uses language choices to create style and tone and to enhance meaning
  • demonstrates correct usage, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization
0 points:

In little or none of the text is there evidence of the writer's using language choices and order for effective style, tone, and expression of meaning. The text conveys an overall impression of being error-ridden. Errors of several types may occur repeatedly. Errors do not appear to be the result of risk taking. The text may be so brief that there is limited evidence of correct language use. The writer rarely or never:

  • uses varied sentence formation to create style and tone and to enhance meaning
  • uses language choices to create style and tone and to enhance meaning
  • demonstrates correct usage, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization

A: Blank - There is no response

B: The writer's response is off-task and/or off-topic. It does not address the question that was asked.

C: Unscorable - The writer's response cannot be read (e.g., it is illegible, incomprehensible).

D: Copied from test text.


Activity 18
Science Outcome 1: Earth Science

3 = The response thoroughly demonstrates the acquisition and integration of major concepts and unifying themes from earth/space sciences. The response does this by thoroughly demonstrating the understanding that monitoring the weather allows us to learn more about the characteristics of the seasons.

2 = The response generally demonstrates the acquisition and integration of major concepts and unifying themes from earth/space sciences. The response does this by generally demonstrating the understanding that monitoring the weather allows us to learn more about the characteristics of the seasons.

1 = The response adequately demonstrates the acquisition and integration of major concepts and unifying themes from earth/space sciences. The response does this by adequately demonstrating the understanding that monitoring the weather allows us to learn more about the characteristics of the seasons.

0 = Other



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