administration student task rubric student work technical quality
Insects and Spiders
Contributed by: Illinois Science Teachers Association (ILS)
  1. Does the insect or spider model show the basic characteristics of the critter?
    Shows basic structure of an insect or spider 2 points
    Incomplete or partially shows an insect or spider 1 point
    Does not show an insect or spider 0 points

  2. Does the insect or spider drawing show the basic characteristics of the critter?
    Shows basic structure of an insect or spider 2 points
    Incomplete or partially shows an insect or spider 1 point
    Does not show an insect or spider 0 points

  3. Is your critter and insect or a spider?
    Identified correctly 1 point
    Identified incorrectly 0 points

  4. Two statements, each containing a characteristic of either an insect or a spider. Such as: It is an insect because it has six legs. Or It is a spider because it has eight legs.
    Complete statement accurately describing a quality 2 points
    One or two word response or partly accurate statement 1 point
    Inaccurate or no response 0 points
    Repeat above criteria for second reason (2,1,0)

    Total Possible = 9 points


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