administration student task rubric student work technical quality
Floating Pencil
Contributed by: National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

Item Number:  1 

Scoring Guide

Scoring Rationale:  Student demonstrates an ability to measure the volume of water in a graduated cylinder. (The water sample in the bottle of fresh water has been pre-measured to be 95mL.)

3 = Complete - Student response is 94 - 96 mL.

2 = Partial - Student response is 90 - 93.99 mL.

1 = Unsatisfactory/Incorrect - Student response is < 90 mL or >96 mL.

Item Number:  2 

Scoring Guide

Scoring Rationale:  Student demonstrates an ability to understand that the volume of water in the cylinder remains constant when the pencil is added, even though the pencil displaces water in the cylinder.

3 = Complete - Student answers the same amount of water (B), and gives a correct explanation.

2a = Partial - Student answers the same amount of water (B), but provides no explanation or provides an inadequate explanation to justify the response.

2b = Partial - Students answers "more," but has an explanation that refers to the pencil taking up space.

1 = Unsatisfactory/Incorrect - Student answers either more water (A) or less water (C), and provides no explanation, or an illogical explanation.

Item Number:  3 

Scoring Guide  The scoring guide refers to the scoring of marks on the three drawings of the pencil in question 3, 6, and 9 -- the three are scored as a group.

Scoring Rationale:  Student demonstrates an ability to perform the floating pencil tests correctly by accurately observing the water level along the side of each pencil and correctly marking the level of the water on the three drawings of the pencil.

4 = Complete - Student accurately marks the water level on all three drawings of picture B (pages 4, 6, 9).

3 = Essential - Student accurately marks the water level on two of the three drawings of picture B (pages 4, 6, 9).

2 = Partial - Student accurately marks the water level on one of the three drawings of picture B (pages 4, 6, 9).

1 = Unsatisfactory/Incorrect - Student does not accurately mark the water level on any of the three drawings.

Credited responses:
sample correct relationship
1st pencil - near A or B
2nd pencil - lower than first, usually C or D
3rd pencil - near A or B

Item Number:  4 

Scoring Guide

  1. The scoring guide refers to the scoring of the markings of the length of the pencil that floated above the water on the three rulers printed in the test booklet for questions 4, 7, and 9 -- the three are scored as a group, and the evaluation is based on whether the marks on the printed rulers match the length of the pencil marked off on the three drawings of the pencil (numbers 3, 6, and 9). A student can still receive credit for having marked correctly even if the observations were incorrect.
  2. The scoring guide refers to the scoring of the reading of the measurement that has been marked on the printed rulers in questions 4 and 7. A student can receive credit for having correctly read the measurement on the ruler even if the measurement of the length of the pencil is incorrect.

Scoring Rationale:  Student demonstrates an ability to mark the length of the pencil that floated above the water surface using a 10-cm metric ruler and demonstrates an ability to accurately read a ruler by correctly recording the measurement marked on the ruler. All readings should be accurate to within +/- 0.2 cm.

5 = Complete - Student accurately marks the three pencil lengths (pages 5, 7, and 9) and accurately records the measurements marked on the two rulers (pages 5 and 7).

4a = Essential - Student accurately marks the three pencil lengths and accurately records the measurements marked on one of the rulers.

4b = Essential - Student accurately marks the three pencil lengths but does not accurately record the measurements marked on the rulers.

3a = Adequate - Student accurately marks the two pencil lengths and accurately records the measurements marked on the two rulers.

3b = Adequate - Student accurately marks the two pencil lengths and accurately records the measurements marked on one of the two rulers.

3c = Adequate - Student accurately marks the two pencil lengths but does not accurately record the measurements marked on the rulers.

2a = Partial - Students accurately marks one pencil length and accurately records the measurement marked on the corresponding ruler.

2b = Partial - Student accurately marks one pencil length but does not accurately record the measurements marked on the rulers.

1 = Unsatisfactory/Incorrect - Student does not accurately mark any of the three pencil lengths or accurately record the measurements on the rulers.

Item Number:  5 

No scoring indicated

Item Number:  6 

This item is scored with numbers 3 and 9. Refer to the scoring guide for number 3 (OP000731).

Item Number:  7 

Scoring Guide  This item is scored with numbers 4 and 9. Refer to the scoring guide for number 4 (OP000732).

Item Number:  8 

No scoring indicated

Item Number:  9 

Scoring Guide  Part of this item is scored with numbers 3 and 6 (the line on the pencil). The other part is scored with numbers 4 and 7 (the line on the ruler). Refer to the scoring guides for numbers 3 and 4.

Item Number:  10 

Scoring Guide

Scoring Rationale:  Student demonstrates an ability to apply his/her understanding of the floating pencil test to determine whether the unknown solution is fresh water of salt water. (In this task the "Mystery Water" is a sample of fresh water.)

3 = Complete - Student correctly states that the mystery water is fresh water and adequately justifies this conclusion by using a comparison.

2 = Partial - Student correclty states that the mystery water is fresh water; however, this response is not justfied or is inadequately justified (e.g., "the mystery water is fresh water. I knew this because it looked like fresh water," "it works like fresh water," "it was the same as freshwater," it matches up to freshwater," "it floats higher").

1 = Unsatisfactory/Incorrect - Student shows little or no evidence of the ability to apply the floating pencil test to the task of determining the identity of the mystery.

Item Number:  11 

Scoring Guide

Scoring Rationale:  Student demonstrates a beginning understanding of the concept of density by applying the observations of the floating pencil to a real-world situation (swimming in salt water and fresh water).

3 = Complete - Student response demonstrates a beginning understanding of the concept of density by choosing ocean and giving an explanation that refers back to the test they did. They explain that the pencil floats better in salt water than fresh water, or the pencil went down more than fresh water.

2 = Partial - Student response demonstrates some understanding of floating and density by explaining that the ocean is salt water, or relates answer to pencil but does not give a complete explanation (e.g., the pencil floated higher).

1 = Unsatisfactory/Incorrect - Student response does not relate swimming in salt water and fresh water to density in any way (e.g., "I like swimming in salt water better"), or just restates information in the question (e.g., "floating is easier in ocean water").


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