administration student task rubric student work technical quality
Balls and Ramp

4th Grade Performance Task
Contributed by: New York State Education Department (NYSED)
NYS Alternative Assessment in Science Project (1996)

Scoring Rubric

Maximum Score - 5 points


1. Data Table
2 points total


Standard: The student will accurately record his/her measurements in the data table.


The distance measurements should show an accurate relationship among the balls.

- Golf Ball - longest distance
- Rubber Ball - middle distance
- Practice Golf Ball - shortest distance
Distances should be recorded in reasonable measurements of centimeters or inches, not meters or yards.
  • 2 points for three measurements with correct relationship
  • 1 point for one correct measurement

2. Comparison of the Distances the Cup Moved
1 point total

Standard: The student will make an observation comparing the distances that the balls pushed the cup.


  • 1 point for a statement that includes a correct relationship between two or three balls.
    - The golf ball moved the cup the farthest distance and the practice golf ball moved the cup the shortest distance.
    - The golf ball moved the cup very far and the practice golf ball didn't move the cup hardly at all.
    - The golf ball went the furthest, then the rubber ball, and then the practice golf ball.
    - The golf ball moved the cup the farthest.
    - The practice golf ball didn't move the cup very far or not at all.
  • 0 points for no observation or comparison
    - The balls moved the cup
    - The balls moved the cup different distances.

*** Evaluate the students' observations based on the information they have recorded in their data table in question #1, even if their data is incorrect.

3. Explanation for the Difference in Distances
1 point total

Standard: The students will explain that mass of the balls affects the distance each moves the cup.


  • Acceptable 1 point answers:
    - The balls move the cup different distances because some are heavy and some are light.
    - The golf ball is the heaviest so it moves the cup the farthest.
    - The practice golf ball isn't very heavy so it doesn't move the cup very far or at all.
  • 0 point answers:
    - The balls are made of different materials.
    - The balls moved the cup different distances.

4A. Prediction
No Credit

Standard: The student will make a valid prediction based on his/her data table and observations.

4B. Explanation for Prediction
1 point total

Standard: The student will logically explain his/her prediction.


  • Acceptable 1 point answers:
    - The ball feels lighter than the others so it won't move the cup very far.
    - It's very light.
    - It feels like the practice golf ball.
  • 0 point answer:
    - It's foam/styrofoam.
    - It won't move the cup.

Highest possible score - 5 points

Scoring Form - "Balls And Ramp"

Student ID _______________

Male / Female (circle one)

Circle the student's score for each question. Add the points for each question and write the total score at the bottom of the scoring form.

1. Data table
2. Comparisons
3. Explanation
4A. Prediction
No Credit
4B. Explanation of prediction

Total Score _____________

Total possible score - 5



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