administration student task rubric student work technical quality
Electric Circuits
Task with Student Directions

Grades 9-12 Performance Task
Contributed by: New York State Education Department (NYSED)
Developed through University of Buffalo and NORC (1991)

Electric Circuits - Part A


This laboratory test presents a problem and lists materials available to you. Your task is to design a strategy for solving the problem. Please record all your answer on these sheets. You will have 30 minutes to plan and design an experiment to solve the problem.


Imagine that you are working for an electronics firm. You have been assigned the task of determining the power dissipated in the combination of two resistors connected in series to a 6 volt battery.

You will recall that:


a) Under the heading PROCEDURE list in order the steps of the procedure you will use to solve the problem. You may include a diagram to help illustrate your plans for the experiment. Include any safety procedures you would follow.

b) Construct a DATA TABLE or indicate any other method that you could use to record the observations and results that will be obtained.

c) At the end of 30 minutes, your answer sheet for Part A will be collected.

PLEASE NOTE: In Part A, you are NOT to proceed with any part of the actual experiment. You are just to plan and organize a way to investigate the problem.


  • 2 resistors of unknown resistance
  • 10 connecting leads
  • 6 volt battery
  • ammeter
  • knife switch
  • voltmeter



Organize our experiment under the following headings:
Use the front and back of these sheets if necessary.




DATA TABLE (For results and observations)







Electric Circuits - Part B


You will have 50 minutes to complete this part. You have been provided with a detailed Procedure (see next page) which you are to follow. Record your work for Part B on the answer sheet under the appropriate headings.


Imagine that you are working for an electronics firm. You have been assigned the task of determining the power dissipated in the combination of two resistors connected in series to a 6 volt battery.

You will recall that:

a) Perform the experiment by following the steps outlined in the procedure.

b) Under the heading RESULTS/OBSERVATIONS record the data collected in the experiment. Use statements, descriptive paragraphs, and tables of data where appropriate.

c) Under the heading CALCULATIONS show all equations and calculations used.

d) Under the heading CONCLUSION give an interpretation of your results.

e) At the end of the 50 minutes, your answer sheets will be collected.


  • 2 resistors of unknown resistance
  • 10 connecting leads
  • 6 volt battery
  • ammeter
  • knife switch
  • voltmeter



Complete the Procedure as given on these sheets.
Record your Data in the table provided.


  1. Set up the circuit as shown in the Figure 2 below. Do not close the switch until the evaluator checks your work sheet.

  2. Measure the current in the circuit by placing the ammeter in series with the resistors, as shown in Figure 3 below. Do not close the switch until the evaluator checks your work sheet. Record your measurements (magnitude and units) in the data table.

  3. Measure the voltage drop across each resistor in the circuit by placing the voltmeter in parallel with the resistors, as shown in Figure 3 above. Do not close the switch until the evaluator checks your work sheet. Record your measurements (magnitude and units) in the data table.

  4. Determine the total voltage in the series circuit by adding the voltage drops for each resistor.

  5. Refer to the equations listed in the Problem, to compute the power used by the circuit. Show your calculations.

    Data Table:

    voltage across one resistor  
    voltage across second resistor  
    total voltage in circuit  



Record your Calculations and Conclusions on these sheets.










Based on the analysis of the data you collected in this experiment, determine the power dissipated by the two resistors connected in series. Be certain to explain how you used your data to arrive at this conclusion.



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