administration student task rubric student work technical quality
The Captain and Lake Wilmar
Contributed by: The RAND Institute (RAND)

Decline in Freshwater Animal Populations

Item Number Component Rubric
1. Record observations Not scored
2. Brook trout 4= Response provides an in-depth understanding, including the observed pH value of Lake Wilmar and the survival of the brook trout populations. Response includes the relationship of the elimination of the insect and minnow populations with the decline in the trout populations. May state that the lower pH affects the development of the fish eggs. Uses information from table and observations to support answer.

3= Response provides a good understanding of the effects of lower pH on the entire ecosystem and that animals upon which the brook trout feed have been eliminated from the lake. Attempts to use information from table and observations to support answer.

2= Response demonstrates little understanding of the affects of the lower pH on the entire ecosystem. States that the acid pH is responsible for the decline in the trout population. Does not use information from table and observations to support answer.

1= Response demonstrates a very limited understanding of the factors that would cause the fish population to decline. Explains the population change is due to the pollution of Lake Wilmar. Does not use information from table and observations to support answer.

0= Rewrites question. Response is off-topic. No response or inappropriate writing or drawing.

3. Additional experiments 3= Response demonstrates a good understanding of what additional testing needs to be done and why. The experiment may include testing several variables. Relates the results to the data displayed on the wildlife chart.

2= Response demonstrates partial understanding of what additional experimental testing needs to be done. States that only one variable needs to be tested or mentions additional tests that do not verify the information on the chart. Gives a weak explanation of how it verifies the data on the wildlife chart.

1= Response demonstrates extremely limited understanding of what additional experimentation needs to be done. States only one variable and gives no explanation of how it verifies the wildlife chart.

0= Rewrites the question. Response is off-topic. No response or inappropriate writing or drawing.

4. Captain McDermit's problem 4= In-depth understanding of the pH values and the changes in the animal populations in the lake. Includes an explanation of why Taylor Creek animal populations have not been affected by the spillway waste water but why populations in Lake Wilmar have been affected.

3= Adequate understanding of the affect of pH on the survival of the animal populations. Discusses the three water sources (spillway, lake, and creek water) and the pH values of each.

2= Limited understanding of the affect of pH on the survival of the animal populations. Includes minor misconceptions.

1= Demonstrates extremely limited understanding of the affect of pH on the survival of animal populations. Includes major misconceptions.

0= Rewrites the question. Response is off-topic. No response or inappropriate writing or drawing.

Hot Rocks and Water

Item Number Component Rubric
5. Time and Temperature Graph 4= Graphs represent the data accurately. Both axes are labeled correctly. The shape of the curve correctly represents the time and temperature relationships. Both curves are identified. The entire grid is used. The X axis is time, Y axis is temperature.

3= Graphs present the data accurately. The shape of the curve correctly represents the time and temperature relationship. The axes and the curves are labeled correctly.

2= The data points are correctly plotted on the graphs as drawn. Axes may be reversed. The shape of the curve may not represent the temperature and time relationship.

1= The data points are not plotted correctly. Axes are not labeled with correct measurements. The shape of the curve does not represent the temperature and time relationship. Two lines, which do not represent the time and temperature relationship, are drawn without plotting points.

0= Rewrites the question. Response is off-topic. No response or inappropriate writing or drawing.

6. Energy of water and rock 4= Response demonstrates adequate understanding of the scientific concepts related to heat storage ability of different substances. Uses observations from their experiment as examples to support answer.

3= Response demonstrates partial understanding of the scientific concepts related to the heat storage ability of different substances. May include a misconception. May discuss observations from previous experiment.

2= Response demonstrates limited understanding of the scientific concepts related to the heat storage ability of different substances. Includes many misconceptions. States that both the water and the rock hold the same amount of energy because they are at the same temperature. Attempts to support this with logical reasoning, but rationale may be vague or unclear.

1= Response demonstrates extremely limited understanding of the scientific concepts related to the heat storage ability of different substances. Major misconceptions are evident. If rationale is present, it is vague and unclear.

0= Rewrites the question. Response is off-topic. No response or inappropriate writing or drawing.

7. Temperature changes during the year 4= Response shows in-depth understanding of the effects of bodies of water on the local weather. Discusses the energy transfer of the stored energy in the lake to the surrounding land and air.

3= Response shows adequate understanding of the effects of bodies of water on the local weather. May attempt to discuss the energy transfer of the stored energy in the lake to the surrounding land and air. May contain a misconception.

2= Response shows little understanding of the effects of bodies of water on the local weather. Discussion includes misconceptions. May stress the change in altitude as the major cause of the changes throughout the year.

1= Response shows extremely limited understanding of the effect of bodies of water on the local weather. Discussion if present, includes major misconceptions.

0= Rewrites the question. Response is off-topic. No response or inappropriate writing or drawing.

Rock Erosion

Item Number Component Rubric
8. Record your observations Not scored.
9. Limestone in spillway water 4= In-depth description of what happened when the limestone is put into the spillway water. Discusses in detail a method to experimentally verify that the spillway water is responsible for the rock erosion.

3= Adequate description of what occurred when the limestone is put in the spillway water. Experimental design lacks detail. A misconception (identity of limestone) may be present.

2= Limited description of what happened to the limestone. Flaws in experimental design. Misconceptions are present.

1= Extremely limited description of what happened to the limestone. Flaws in experimental design. Major misconceptions are present.

0= Rewrites question. Response is off-topic. No response or inappropriate writing or drawing.

10. Rocks in Taylor Creek vs. Lake Wilmar 3= Adequate response. Answer is based on the different pH values recorded in the Freshwater Populations Task. Response includes discussion of different reaction rates in higher concentrations of acids.

2= Partially adequate response. Answer includes limited discussion of reaction rates in higher concentration of acids. May have a minor misconception (not knowing identity of pollutant in the spillway water.)

1= Inadequate response. Answer is very brief and gives little explanation of the reaction rates in different concentrations. Mainly "filler" with one or more major misconceptions.

0= Rewrites question. Response is off-topic. No response or inappropriate writing or drawing.

11. Marble statue 4= Response demonstrates in-depth understanding of the concept of acid rain or some form of air pollution that could be responsible for the chemical weathering. Recognizes that the spillway waste water is not to blame for the statue corroding, but that the ice making plant may be giving off other air pollutants that would affect the marble statue.

3= Response demonstrates adequate understanding of the concept of acid rain or air pollutants, and the effects that they would have on a marble statue in the area. A minor misconception may be cited in the discussion.

2= Response demonstrates partially adequate understanding of the concept of acid rain or air pollutants and the effects that they would have on a marble statue in the area. Several misconceptions are found in the discussion.

1= Response demonstrates an extremely limited understanding of the concept of acid rain or air pollutants and the effects that they would have on the marble statue. If discussion is present, it may attempt to relate the erosion of the statue to the spillway water. Major misconceptions.

0= Rewrites question. Response is off-topic. No response or inappropriate writing or drawing.


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