administration student task rubric student work technical quality
Classification in Action
Task with Student Directions
Contributed by: Kentucky Department of Education


Grade 11

Student Name:  _______________________________________________

School Name:  _______________________________________________

School Code:  _________



Write your name, school name, and school code on the line above. Do not open this packet until the directions tell you to do so.

You will have a total of 45 minutes to complete this task. You may use up to 20 minutes to complete the group work. When your group is finished with the group work, one member of the group should tell the facilitator that you have finished. Then you may go on to the individual work. You may not talk while you are working on those pages.

Your group should have the following materials:

  • one set of classification objects
  • metric ruler for each student
  • one 100-ml graduated cylinder
  • one small beaker of water
  • one large beaker
  • calculator for each student
  • one balance
  • one magnet
  • one piece of string
  • paper towels


The purpose of this task is to create two different classification systems. Working as a team, design and complete two different classification systems for the set of 10 objects provided to you. One classification system must be based upon qualitative characteristics (i.e., observable qualities) of the objects. The other system must be based upon quantitative characteristics (i.e., measured qualities) of the objects. IMPORTANT: All objects must be classified in both systems. Show and explain your two classification systems in the space provided. IMPORTANT: Each member of the group must record all information on his/her own form.

  1. For EACH of the two different classification systems your team creates and uses:
    • explain the characteristics of the system, and
    • show where each object is classified in the system.



    When you are finished with the work on this page, one member of the group should tell the facilitator that your group has finished its group work. Then do the individual work. Remember that you must work alone on those pages. You may not discuss the questions or share information.


  2. You have been given a mystery object. Describe how you would determine if it does or does not fit into your qualitative classification system.






  3. Describe several other classification systems AND other measurements you could have used with your set of classification objects. Give as much specific detail as possible.






  4. Explain how and why classification is useful in real-life situations. Use several examples to support your response.






Kentucky Department of Education
Performance Events 1994-95


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