administration student task rubric student work technical quality
Sand in Bottles
Contributed by: New York State Alternative Assessment in Science Project (NYSED)
1996 Administration

Scoring Rubric Maximum Score - 13 Points

Question 5. Relative Speed Data Table 2 points total

Data Table: Speed of Bottles
Letter Amount of Sand Speed of Bottle
A Full Bottle Fast
B 1/2 Full Bottle Medium
C 1/4 Full Bottle Slow

Point Criteria:

  • Allow 2 points if at least two (2) out of three (3) entries in the data table are correct.
  • Allow 1 point if only one (1) out of three (3) entries in the data table is correct.

Question 6. Statement relating amount of sand to speed of bottles 2 points total

Point Criteria:

  • Allow 2 points if the students makes a general statement about a directly proportional relationship between speed and the amount of sand in the bottle.
    - The more sand in the bottle, the faster it rolls.
    - The less sand in a bottle, the slower its speed.
    - A bottle will roll faster with more sand inside than a bottle with less sand.
  • Allow 1 point if the student restates a specific observation.
    - A bottle half full of sand rolls slower than a full bottle of sand.

Question 8. Prediction of speed of bottle X and explanation 3 points total

Point Criteria:

  • Prediction
    - Allow 1 point for predicting that bottle X is > 1/2 to full.
    - Allow 0 points if student implies that he/she looked into bottle X.
  • Explanation
    - Allow 2 points for an answer comparing bottle X to bottle A or B.

    Sample of acceptable answers:

    • Bottle X rolls at a similar speed as bottle A or B and bottle A is full and Bottle B is 1/2 full.
    • It feels like the same weight as bottle A or B.
    • It rolls a similar distance from the ramp as bottle A or B.
    Allow 1 point (partial credit) for an incomplete explanation with no comparison to their data.
    • Bottle X rolled fast.

Question 9. Prediction of speed of a bottle 1/8 full and explanation 3 points total
  • Prediction
    - Allow 1 point for predicting that the bottle will roll the slowest of all the bottles.
  • Explanation
    - Allow 2 points for an answer applying the data from bottles A, B, and C to the bottle 1/8 full.

    Sample of acceptable answers:

    • When there is less sand in a bottle, it rolls slower down an incline.
    • The trend in the data show that bottles with more sand roll faster than bottles with less sand, so a bottle 1/8 full will roll slowest.

      - Allow 1 point (partial credit) for an incomplete explanation with no comparison to their data.

Questions 10. & 11. Prediction of the speed of bottle D and explanation 3 points total

Point Criteria:

  • Prediction
    • Allow 1 point for an answer that is consistent with their data.

    • Explanation
      • Allow 2 points for an answer applying the data from bottles A, B to & C to the empty bottles.

      Sample of acceptable answers:
        - The data shows that bottles with more sand roll faster than bottles with less sand. So a bottle with no sand will roll slower than the rest.

      • Allow 1 point (partial credit) for an incomplete explanations with no comparison to their data.
        - The bottle rolled very slowly.
      • 0 points for an answer that states that the bottle will not roll.
      • 0 points for an answer that only verifies the prediction

Scoring Form - Sand in Bottles
Student ID _____________________
Male or Female (circle one)

Circle the student's score for each question. Add the points for each question and write the total score at the bottom of the scoring form.

Total Score Highest possible score - 13 points

NYS Alternative Assessment in Science Project
NSF Grant #MDR-9154506
Copyright, April 1996
The State University of New York
The State Education Department
Albany, New York 12234


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