administration student task rubric student work technical quality
Building Materials
Contributed by: The RAND Institute (RAND)
Spring 1993 Research Pilot

Big Idea E-3: Geological, geomorphic processes explain the evolution of the Earth.

Exemplar: The Earth undergoes various change processes which have caused its features to change over time. These processes have caused different types of rocks and minerals to form. Wind, water, and ice have changed the Earth's surface over time by wearing down or building up identifiable land forms.

Big Idea E-10: Weather affects living and non-living things.

Exemplar: Weather is unpredictable, varied, and affects daily life. Weather plays a role in the cycles of living and non-living things.

Item Number Component Rubric
1. Observations of rocks 4= Provides (3) in-depth and valid descriptions of the properties of each rock with good attention to details.

3= Provides (2) adequate and valid descriptions of the properties of each rock with attention to detail; or

Provides (3) adequate and valid descriptions of the properties of (2) rocks with attention to detail;

2= Provides (1) partially adequate description with some attention to detail of the properties of each rock; or

Provides (2) partially adequate descriptions with some attention to detail of the properties of (2) rocks; or

Provides (3) partially adequate descriptions with some attention to details of the properties of (1) rock, other rocks may be blank;

1= Provides (1) vague or inadequate description with no attention to detail of the properties of each rock; or

Provides vague or inadequate descriptions with no attention to detail of the properties of (1) or (2) rocks;

0= Rewrites question and directions;
Response is off-topic;
No response or inappropriate writing or drawing.

2. Explain why 4= Names a rock.
In-depth response clearly based on student's observations. Scientifically appropriate and valid rationale describing why this rock would be best for building tables and benches.

3= Names a rock.
Adequate response mostly based on student's observations. Scientific rationale describing why this rock would be good for building tables and benches.

2= Names a rock.
Partially adequate response which may be based on student's observations. May attempt to contain scientific reasoning, misconceptions are obvious. May attempt to describe why rock would be O.K. for building the tables and benches; or
Does not name a rock.
Partially adequate response based on student's observations. Attempts to contain scientific reasoning and describes why rock would be O.K. for building the tables and benches.

1= Does not name a rock.

0= Rewrites question and directions.
Response is off-topic.
No response, or inappropriate writing or drawing.
3. Describe and Explain

Describe - used nail to scratch the rock.

List - nail, penny, etc.
4= Describes all tools used on each of the three rocks. May include additional tests such as "rock scratches rock," or "finger nail to scratch rock," etc. In-depth description of what happened to all three rocks for each tool used.

3= Describes most tools used on each of the three rocks.
Adequate description of what happened to all three rocks for each tool used.

2= May list tools used for each of the three rocks.
Partially adequate description of what happened to all three rocks; or
May attempt to describe tools used on 2 rocks.
Partially adequate description of what happened to same two rocks. 1= May list tools for 1 or 2 rocks.
Vague or missing description of what happened to these rocks, or may list tools without providing description of what happened; or
May describe tools for 1 rock and provide description of what happened for the one rock.

0= Rewrites question and directions.
Response is off-topic.
No response, or inappropriate writing or drawing.
4. Other things, reasons and explain.

Appropriate: Rock scratch rock, Fingernail, Vinegar/Acid Rain, Weight, etc.

4= Lists at least 3-4 other tests/things that are appropriate and valid. Appropriate and valid rationales/explanations for each test describing why this test would be conducted.

3= Lists 2-3 other tests/things that are appropriate and valid. Mostly adequate rationales/explanations for each test describing why this test would be conducted.

2= Lists 1-2 other tests/things that are partially appropriate and some may be valid. Partially adequate rationales/explanations for each test which may describe why this test would be conducted; or
Lists 3-4 other tests/things that are partially appropriate and may be valid. No rationales or explanations.

1= May attempt to list other tests/things that are inappropriate. May attempt to include vague/inappropriate rationales/explanations. May list some inappropriate tests/things and no rationale/explanation.

0= Rewrites question and directions.
Response is off-topic.
No response, or inappropriate writing or drawing.
5. Relationship between data and conclusions 4= Names a rock.
Rationale demonstrates in-depth understanding of weathering, erosion, and the effects of weather on the surface of the earth.
Clearly and effectively shows relationship between data and conclusions. Explanation describes why this rock would be good for building tables or benches. Hardness of rock/last longest.

3= Names a rock.
Rationale demonstrates adequate understanding of weathering, erosion, and the effects of weather on the surface of the earth.
Shows relationship between data and conclusions. Explanation describes why this rock would be good for building tables or benches.

2= Names a rock. (May not name a rock)
Rationale demonstrates partially adequate understanding of weathering, erosion, and the effects of weather on the surface of the earth. Many misconceptions are evident. Some attempt may be made to show relationship between data and conclusions. Explanation may attempt to describe why this rock would be O.K. for building tables or benches, but is vague and flawed.

1= Does not name a rock.
If a rationale is present, there is very limited understanding of weathering, erosion, and the effects of weather on the surface of the earth. Many misconceptions are evident. No attempt to show the relationship between data and conclusions. No attempt to describe why this rock would be O.K. for building tables or benches.

0= Rewrites question and directions.
Response is off-topic.
No response, or inappropriate writing or drawing.
6. Explain and apply. 4= Explanation clearly and effectively demonstrates in-depth understanding of how the effects of weather (rain, wind, ice, snow, etc.) have changed the surface of the earth over time and how this might effect the benches and tables because they are made of rocks. May also include discussion regarding weathering, erosion, acid rain, and pollution, and properties of rocks. (Water gets into cracks, freeze, break rocks apart; wind acts as sandpaper and wear down; etc.)

3= Names a rock.
Rationale demonstrates adequate understanding of weathering, erosion, and the effects of weather on the surface of the earth. Shows relationship between data and conclusions. Explanation describes why this rock would be good for building tables and benches.

2= Names a rock. (May not name a rock)
Rationale demonstrates partially adequate understanding of weathering, erosion, and the effects of weather on the surface of the earth. Many misconceptions are evident. Some attempt may be made to show relationship between data and conclusions. Explanation may attempt to describe why this rock would be O.K. for building tables and benches, but is vague and flawed.

1= Does not name a rock.
If a rationale is present, there is very limited understanding of weathering, erosion, and the effects of weather on the surface of the earth. No attempt to show the relationship between data and conclusions. No attempt to describe why this rock would be O.K. for building tables and benches.

0= Rewrites question and directions.
Response is off-topic.
No response, or inappropriate writing or drawing.


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