administration student task rubric student work technical quality
Critter Museum

Grade 5-8 Performance Task
Contributed by: The RAND Institute (RAND)
Spring 1993 Research Pilot

Big Idea L-10: Living things are diverse.
Exemplar: Although all living things have common characteristics, there are many different kinds of living things that can be sorted into groups.

Big Idea L-11: Organisms are classified by shared derived characteristics.
Exemplar: We group organisms by some of their similar characteristics.

Big Idea L-12: All living things interact with each other and their physical environment through distinct roles.
Exemplar: Living things do not live alone; they are always interacting with each other, like when they eat prey or are eaten by a predator. Organisms are always interacting with the physical environment, like when they make shelter.

Item Number
Component Rubric


Grouping animals and explaining why they are grouped together in a particular group





-wings/no wings

-flies vs. crawls


-antenna shape/length

-spiders vs. not

-harmful/not harmful

-rough legs/smooth legs

-feeds on seeds/plants vs. other animals



-number of legs

-eyes/eye stem


4 = All 12 animals from Bag A are sorted into groups of at least 2, but no more than 7. Each group has a letter and the identification number for each animal is written in the group. Uses complex attributes beyond color and size. All sortings are clearly stated with clear descriptions that match the animals. Provides detailed and specific comparisons with a strong and clearly stated rationale for each group. Clearly describes how all of the animals in each group are similar. May include pictures in addition to written rationale. (All 12 animals accounted for.)

3 = Most animals from Bag A are sorted into groups of at least 2, but no more than 7. Most groups have a letter, and the identification number for each animal is written in the group. Uses basic attribute for the sortings. Most sortings contain descriptions that match the animals. Provides comparisons with rationale for each group. Describes how most of the animals in most groups are similar. May include some pictures in addition to written rationale. (At least 8 animals accounted for.)

2 = Many animals from Bag A are sorted into groups. May contain more than 7 groups, with many 1 animal groupings. Some groups have a letter and some of the identification numbers for some of the animals are written in the group. Uses simple or limited attributes to group the animals, and not all animals are accounted for. Sortings are not clearly stated and descriptions do not always match the animals. Rationale is vague, unclear, or missing.

1 = Attempts to sort some animals from Bag A into groups. Maybe 1 group has a letter, and the rest are not lettered. The identification numbers for a few animals may be recorded in the groups, but most are not recorded. Accounts for at least 2-4 animals. No rationale, or if a rationale is present, it is extremely vague, or doesn't match animal(s).

0 = No response, or attempt to sort/classify animals. Rewrites directions. Inappropriate writing or drawing. Writes off-topic.


Bag B Animal:

Does it fit into any of the groups?

4 = Answers yes or no and identifies an appropriate group in which the new animal will fit. Provides in-depth explanation of why/how this new animal either fits or why/how it doesn't fit.

3 = Answers yes or no and identifies a group in which the animal would fit, which might not be completely appropriate. Provides an explanation of why/how this new animal either fits, or why/how it doesn't fit. Rationale may contain some minor misconceptions, or may not be completely accurate/appropriate.

[2, 1, and 0 missing]



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