administration student task rubric student work technical quality
Mystery Card 2

4th Grade Performance Task
Contributed by: New York State Education Department (NYSED)
NYS Alternative Assessment in Science Project (1996)

Scoring Rubric - Mystery Card 2

Maximum score - 4 points


4. Data Table
1 point total


Standard: The student tests the circles on the mystery card and correctly indicates which connections made the bulb light or not light.


  • 1 point if the whole data table is filled in.
    *** Credit should be given even if some check marks are incomplete.
    *** No credit is given if the table is incomplete.

Example of completed data table

5. Diagrams
2 points total

Standard: The student makes two (2) valid drawings based on his/her data from question #4.


  • 1 point for each drawing that correlates correctly to the student's data table.
    Students should be given credit if the drawing correlates with their data table even if the data in their table are incorrect.
    *** Some example drawings are shown below. Obviously there are others. The rater will have to be sure that the data table and the drawings correlate with one another.

6. Explain use of data table to draw diagrams
1 point total

Standard: The student explains how their chart helped them to make their drawings.


  • 1 point for a reasonable explanation telling that the student used their test data from the table to draw the diagram.

Highest possible score - 4 points

Scoring Form - Mystery Card 2

Student ID ____________

Male / Female (circle one)

Circle the student's score for each question. Add the points for each question and write the total score at the bottom of the scoring form.

4. Data Table
5. Diagrams
6. Explanation of use of data table

Total Score ________________

Total possible score - 4 points


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