administration student task rubric student work technical quality
Contributed by: RAND

Section I

Item Possible Points Scoring Criteria
1 1 1 pt for a statement such as:
  • more washers in the bucket
  • more force
  • more washers
  • or gives actual quantities that show the correct trend
2a 1 1 pt for a statement such as:
  • more washers used when truck is heavier
  • more force
  • more washers
  • more pull
  • or gives actual quantities that show the correct trend
2b 1 1 pt for a statement such as:
  • less washers used when truck is lighter
  • less force
  • less washers
  • less pull
  • or gives actual quantities that show the correct trend
3 0 A: Response describes a design for the experiment, but does not show that the student actually carried out the experiment at this stage.
B: Response indicates that the student actually performed the experiment (and hence implicitly designed it).

If it is not clear whether Option A or B is appropriate, use whichever option yields the highest score. The default is Option A.

C: The response is blank, incomprehensible or the response only gives a conclusion.

3 3 A: response describes a design.
Then score as follows:

1 pt: a reasonable part, or step, of running the experiment is mentioned, not including counting washers or repeating the steps across levels. There should be some explicit statement which cues this, such as "set the plane on the ladder" or "pull string over pulley."
1 pt: says to count the number of washers on the hook. This may also be implicit, if the actual counts of washers are mentioned, or statements like "more than," "less than," and "in between" are used.
1 pt: mentions doing the same operations for at least two levels of the ladder.

B: student actually performed the experiment.
Then score as follows:

1 pt: something is said about the procedures used.
1 pt: the number of washers in the bucket are counted.
1 pt: repeats the operations for at least two levels.

C: The response is blank, incomprehensible or only gives a conclusion.
Zero points.

4 3 1 pt: Includes at least 2 levels of the ladder.
1 pt: Provides a number of washers for every level of the ladder included.
1 pt: The number of washers increases as the level increases.

Section II

Item Possible Points Scoring Criteria
5 4 1 pt: all the levels of the ladder are represented in order on the horizontal axis.
1 pt: an equal interval scale is given for the force axis (may be increasing or decreasing).
1 pt: all the values from the table are plotted (the type of graph does not matter).
1 pt: at least 4 values are represented correctly on the graph.
6 1 1 pt:
  • force increased
  • more washers
  • pull harder
7 1 1 pt: Frank was right
8 1 1 pt: force increased (more washers) as slope increased answers are different and increasing.
9 4 1 pt: recognizes that it takes more force (more gas) to go up a hill than along flat
1 pt: recognizes that the difference in charges at the two dumps may offset other costs
1 pt: recognition of additional factors
1 pt: a logical inference is made, either in writing or with reference to the circled answer above


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