administration student task rubric student work technical quality
Stimulus/Response in Invertebrates
Task with Student Directions
Contributed by: Oregon State Department of Education


    • shallow pan
    • flashlight (light source)
    • measurement tools
    • paper towels
    • pencil
    • hand lens
    • water
    • vinegar
    • glass plate
    • a living invertebrate


Your task is to plan, design, and conduct an investigation to answer a scientific question. The question is: "In your investigation, how do invertebrates react to outside stimulus such as light? Other stimulus?" You will have four 45-minute class periods to complete the investigation. You may use any of the materials and equipment listed and other materials if approved by the teacher.

  1. Under the heading "PROCEDURE" list, in order, the steps you will use to answer the question. You may include a diagram to help illustrate your plans for the investigation. Include any safety procedures you would follow and ethical considerations. Make your procedure detailed enough, so someone else could follow it easily.
    • Construct a data table or chart or indicate any other method you could use to record your observations and results that will be obtained.

  2. Perform the investigation by following the steps outlined in your procedure. Be sure to note any changes to your listed procedures and tell why.
    • Under the heading "RESULTS" record your observations and measurements. Write statements or paragraphs and/or use tables and graphs where appropriate.
    • Construct a DATA TABLE or indicate any other method you could use to record observations and results that will be obtained.
  3. Under the heading "CONCLUSIONS," write an interpretation and analysis of your results. Note any limitations to your investigation. What additional investigations or questions were suggested as you did your investigation? Please note any limitations to your investigation.

  4. Under the heading "SCIENTIFIC QUESTION," based on what you learned in your investigation, write your own question that can be answered with further scientific inquiry using the same classroom materials that you had for this investigation.

  5. Write a report of your experiment, including the sections mentioned above.



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