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Examples of Student Work
Contributed by: Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO/SCASS)

There is one example for each score point ranging from 4 down to 0.

Question 1 and Question 2: Event Score = 1

You and your classmates have just found four mineral samples. Try to identify them using a scratch test.

Students will work in groups of four, but each student will record the results in his or her own booklet.

Scratch Test
Step 1. Scratch each mineral with your fingernail. See if the surface of the mineral is scratched. If so, write "yes" in the table below. If not, write "no."
Step 2. Scratch each mineral with the penny. See if the surface of the mineral is scratched. If so, write "yes" in the table below. If not, write "no."
Step 3. Scratch each mineral with the nail. See if the surface of the mineral is scratched. If so, write "yes" in the table below. If not, write "no."

When you are done, go back to your desk. You will be asked to answer some questions.


Please answer the following questions by yourself.

1. The samples you were given are pieces of quartz, calcite, talc, and hornblende. Compare your results from Table A to the information on the graph below.

Try to identify your samples. Write the names in Table B.

2. Sandpaper is made of tiny grains of ground-up hard rocks glued to paper. It is used to scratch soft materials including wood. Which one of your minerals would make the best sandpaper? Why do you think so?

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