Grades K-4 Performance Tasks


The grades K-4 performance tasks currently come from several sources: the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS), the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), the New Standards Science Reference Exam Project (NS), the New York State Education Department (NYSED), the RAND Institution (RAND), and Illinois Learning Standards (ILS).

Some tasks cover multiple content areas. All tasks include a Science as Inquiry component. The specific inquiry skills are displayed in the assessment chart for the task.

Major Content Area
Physical Sciences
Life Science
Earth and Space Science
Science and Technology
Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

Click on a task you want to browse, or select one or more tasks and click on "Show Chart For Selected Tasks" to view a chart of the selected tasks and the NSES standards they intend to meet.

Physical Sciences

Classification (ILS) Use a binary classification system to divide objects, then justify their scheme.

Classifying Candy I (NYSED) Develop two binary classification systems using a selection of candies.

Classifying Candy II (NYSED) Develop a binary classification system using concrete objects.

Classifying Candy III (NYSED) Use properties of candies to develop a classification tree.

* Classifying Rocks (KDE) Develop classification schemes based on observable properties in rocks.

Testing Foods (NYSED) Determine the relative amounts of oils in food.


Mystery Card 1 (NYSED) Use an electric tester to determine where electricity flows between circles on a mystery card.

Mystery Card 2 (NYSED) Use an electric tester to determine where electricity flows between circles on a mystery card.

Mystery Card 3 (NYSED) Use an electric tester to determine where electricity flows between circles on a mystery card.

Pathfinder (KDE) Identify complete circuits with puzzle boards.


Containers (TIMSS) Investigate the effect of container materials on heat transfer.

Keep Cool (CCSSO) Determine which type of container would be best to use to keep drinks cool on a hot day.

Temperature School (KDE) Relate cooling and warming to surrounding temperature and environments.


Magnetic Testing (ILS) Observe and predict which objects a magnet will attract.

Magnetic Mapping (CCSSO) Investigate how a compass can be affected by placing it near different objects.

Mass and Density

Floating Pencil (NAEP) Compare the buoyancy of a pencil in freshwater vs. salt water.

Rising Waters (KDE) Correlate the weight and water displacement of various balls.


Making Marbles (KDE) Devise technique to determine how many marbles can be made out of a set volume of material.

Measurement: Length, Volume, and Temperature (ILS) Perform routine laboratory procedures and report results.

Measurement: Using the Balance (ILS) Perform laboratory procedures and report results.

Motion and Forces

New Balls and Ramp (NYSED) Demonstrate transfer of energy by measuring the distances different balls move a cup.

* Bird Eggs (NS) Determine which eggs are best for rocky cliff environments.

Incline (RAND) Determine the forces to move a truck on an inclined plane with weight and slopes as variable.

Mystery Boxes (ILS) Make observations and predictions concerning unknown objects within sealed boxes.

New Observing Objects (NYSED) Observe the motion of both a pendulum and a spring pendulum, explaining the similarities and differences between the two types of motion.

New Swingers (KDE) Experiment with a pendulum to find out why it might swing at different speeds at different times.

Swings (CCSSO) Investigate variables which may seem to affect the movement of a pendulum, or "swing."


Colored Dots 1 (NYSED) Observe bleeding of colored inks with water.

Colored Dots 2 (NYSED) Observe bleeding of colored inks with water.

Colored Dots 3 (NYSED) Observe bleeding of colored inks with water.

Colored Drops (NYSED) Examine the properties of two liquids and their mixture.

Discovering the Problem of Solid Waste (LCESC) Examine and sort waste items in a garbage can, categorizing and charting the items on a graph, and proposing a solution to reduce the amount of solid waste in the garbage can.

Applied Science

* Packing Materials (NYSED) Test the solubility of different items used in packing.

Plastic Wrapped (KDE) Compare the quality and price of different kinds of plastic kitchen wrap.

New Magnifiers (NYSED) Manipulate clear and opaque materials to magnify small letters.


Life Science

* Bird Eggs (NS) Determine which eggs are best for rocky cliff environments.


People Interacting with the Environment (KDE) Explore the characteristics of environments and inhabitants.

Run For Your Life (NYSED) Read a story about a predatory event and draw a picture of resulting animal tracks.


Follow Those Tracks (NYSED) Write a story describing events based on picture of animal tracks.


Pulse (TIMSS) Observe changes in pulse rates when presented with stressors.


New Animals Piece by Piece (TEKS) Identifies body parts of animals from puzzle pieces, assembles the puzzle, and names the animal.

New Hey, Look Me Over! (TEKS) Observation of the characteristics of mealwormsl.

New Identifying Creatures (NYSED) Identify three creatures using a classification key.

Insects and Spiders (ILS) Construct an insect or a spider, then justify the design.

New More Lizard Snacks (TEKS) Observation of different stages of development of mealworms and sequences pictures to show the life cycle and draws the developmental stages of the mealworm.

New Mythical Animals (TEKS) Create an imaginary animal by assembling pictures of body parts from pictures of real animals.

Tree Study (NS) Measure a set of leaves with a ruler and analyze data.

New Whose Parts Do I Have? (TEKS) Identifies animals in a picture, selects and names a body part on card and matches a body part to a specific animal.


Earth and Space Science
Earth Materials

* Classifying Rocks (KDE) Develop classification schemes based on observable properties in rocks.

New Do You See What I See? (TEKS) Observe a terrarium to brainstorm and explain the role of rocks, soil, and water in the

New Interdisciplinary Task: Weather (MDOE) This series of grade 3 activities are thematically related to the weather and require skills in science, reading, writing, and language arts.

New Minerals (CCSSO) Compare and identify minerals using the scratch test.

Earth Processes

New Globe_IT_ES1 (GLOBE) Elementary (grade 3-4) Investigation Test – Seasons – GLOBE Earth Systems Unit.

New Globe_IT_ES2 (GLOBE) Elementary (grade 3-4) Investigation Test – Making Connections1 – GLOBE Earth Systems Unit.

New Globe_IT_ESp (GLOBE) Primary (grade K-2) Investigation Test - Making Connections1 - GLOBE Earth Systems Unit.

New Globe_NCTE_ES1 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTE Activity - Densiometer1 - GLOBE EarthSystems Unit.

New Globe_NCTE_ES2 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTE Activity - Clinometer1 - GLOBE EarthSystems Unit.

New Globe_NCTE_ES3 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTE Activity - Compass1 - GLOBE EarthSystems Unit.

New Globe_NCTM_ES1 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTM Activity - Clinometer1 - GLOBE Earth Systems Unit.

New Globe_NCTM_ES2 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTM Activity - Clinometer2 - GLOBE Earth Systems Unit.

New Globe_NCTM_ES3 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTM Activity - Clinometer3 - GLOBE Earth Systems Unit.

New Globe_PT_ES1 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - Densiometer - GLOBE Earth Systems Unit.

New Globe_PT_ES2 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - Clinometer - GLOBE Earth Systems Unit.

New Globe_PT_ES3 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - Compass - GLOBE Earth Systems Unit.

New Up, Up, and Away (TEKS) Observation of water changing from a liquid to a gas during evaporation.


Fossil Guide (CCSSO) Develop a "Fossil Guide" that includes drawings and written descriptions for each fossil.



New Globe_NCTE_LC1 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTE Activity - Budding1 - GLOBE LandCover Unit.

New Globe_NCTM_LC1 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTM Activity - Budding - GLOBE LandCover Unit.

New Globe_NCTM_LC2 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTM Activity - Qualitative Cover1 - GLOBE LandCover Unit.

New Globe_NCTM_LC3 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTM Activity - Qualitative Cover2 - GLOBE LandCover Unit.

New Globe_NCTM_LC4 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTM Activity - Qualitative Cover3 - GLOBE LandCover

New Globe_PT_LC1 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - MUC - GLOBE LandCover Unit.

New Globe_PT_LC2 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - Cluster - GLOBE LandCover Unit.

New Globe_PT_LC3 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - Field Study - GLOBE LandCover Unit.

New Globe_PT_LC4 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - Biometry - GLOBE LandCover Unit.

New Globe_PT_LC5 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - Trees - GLOBE LandCover Unit.

New Globe_PT_LC6 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - BioMass - GLOBE LandCover Unit.


New Globe_NCTM_S1 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTM Activity - Soil Temperature - GLOBE Soils Unit.

New Globe_NCTM_S2 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTM Activity - Soil Moisture - GLOBE Soils Unit.

New Globe_PT_S1 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - Soil Moisture - GLOBE Soils Unit.

New Globe_PT_S2 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - Soil Temperature - GLOBE Soils Unit.


New Globe_NCTE_HY1 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTE Activity - Water pH - GLOBE Hydrology Unit.

New Globe_NCTE_HY2 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTE Activity - Water Temperature - GLOBE Hydrology Unit.

New Globe_NCTM_HY1 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTM Activity - Water Temperature - GLOBE Hydrology Unit.

New Globe_PT_HY1 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - Water pH - GLOBE Hydrology Unit.

New Globe_PT_HY2 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - Water Temperature - GLOBE Hydrology Unit.


New Globe_IT_ATM1 (GLOBE) Elementary (grade 3-4) Investigation Test - GLOBE Atmosphere Unit.

New Globe_IT_ATMp (GLOBE) Primary (grade K-2) Investigation Test - GLOBE Atmosphere Unit.

New Globe_NCTE_ATM1 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTE Activity-Rainfall - GLOBE Atmosphere Unit.

New Globe_NCTE_ATM2 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTE Activity - Air Temperature - GLOBE Atmosphere Unit.

New Globe_NCTE_ATM3 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTE Activity - Solid Precipitation - GLOBE Atmosphere Unit.

New Globe_NCTM_ATM1 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTM Activity - Rainfall - GLOBE Atmosphere Unit.

New Globe_NCTM_ATM2 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTM Activity - Air Temperature - GLOBE Atmosphere Unit.

New Globe_NCTM_ATM3 (GLOBE) Elementary NCTM Activity - Solid Precipitation - GLOBE Atmosphere Unit.

New Globe_PT_ATM1 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - Rainfall - GLOBE Atmosphere Unit.

New Globe_PT_ATM2 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - Precipitation - GLOBE Atmosphere Unit.

New Globe_PT_ATM3 (GLOBE) Protocol Test - Air Temperature - GLOBE Atmosphere Unit.


Science and Technology

* Packing Materials (NYSED) Test the solubility of different items used in packing.

Some of Its Parts (KDE) Examine two kinds of a common machine and explore what their parts do.


Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

Discovering the Problem of Solid Waste (LCESC) Examine and sort waste items in a garbage can, categorizing and charting the items on a graph, and proposing a solution to reduce the amount of solid waste in the garbage can.

The Food We Eat (CCSSO) Study the food pyramid, learn about daily requirements, and plan food for one day.


* indicates that the task assesses student understanding of more than one content area.


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