Grade K-4 National Science Education Standards


First, select below the National Science Education Standards (NSES) you wish to assess.

Next, click on the "Show Tasks for Selected Standards" button to view the tasks that are intended to meet the standards you have selected.

The full text of the standards is also available for your reference.
Content Standard Code
A Science as Inquiry 4ASI
B Physical Science 4BPS
C Life Science 4CLS
D Earth and Space Science 4DESS
E Science and Technology 4EST
F Science in Personal and Social Perspectives 4FSPSP
G History and Nature of Science 4GHNS
Select a subject area if you want to further refine your search:
Science as Inquiry (4ASI)
Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry (4ASI1)
    Ask a question about objects, organisms, and events (4ASI1.1)
    Plan and conduct a simple investigation (4ASI1.2)
    Employ simple equipment and tools to gather data (4ASI1.3)
    Use data to construct a reasonable explanation (4ASI1.4)
    Communicate investigations and explanations (4ASI1.5)
Understandings about scientific inquiry (4ASI2)
    Asking and answering a question (4ASI2.1)
    Types of investigations and doing a fair test (4ASI2.2)
    Simple instruments (4ASI2.3)
    Develop explanations using observations (evidence) (4ASI2.4)
    Scientists make the results of their investigations public (4ASI2.5)
    Review and ask questions about results (4ASI2.6)
Physical Science (4BPS)
Properties of objects and materials (4BPS1)
    Observable properties (4BPS1.1)
    Materials and their properties (4BPS1.2)
    States of matter (4BPS1.3)
Position and motion of objects (4BPS2)
    Describing position (4BPS2.1)
    Describing motion (4BPS2.2)
    Changing position and motion (4BPS2.3)
    Sound (4BPS2.4)
Light, heat, electricity, and magnetism (4BPS3)
    Behavior of light (4BPS3.1)
    Heat production and conduction (4BPS3.2)
    Electricity in circuits (4BPS3.3)
    Magnets (4BPS3.4)
Life Science (4CLS)
Characteristics of organisms (4CLS1)
    Needs of organisms (4CLS1.1)
    Structure and function (4CLS1.2)
    Behavior and senses (4CLS1.3)
Life cycles (4CLS2)
    Life cycles of different organisms (4CLS2.1)
    Resembling parents (4CLS2.2)
    Heredity and environmental interactions (4CLS2.3)
Organisms and enviroments (4CLS3)
    Food chains (4CLS3.1)
    Organisms relations to the environment (4CLS3.2)
    Organisms effects on the environment (4CLS3.3)
    Humans and the environment (4CLS3.4)
Earth and Space Science (4DESS)
Properties of earth materials (4DESS1)
    Earth/atmosphere materials (4DESS1.1)
    Soils (4DESS1.2)
    Fossils (4DESS1.3)
Objects in the sky (4DESS2)
    Properies of objects in the sky (4DESS2.1)
    The Sun (4DESS2.2)
Changes in earth and sky (4DESS3)
    Surface changes (4DESS3.1)
    Weather (4DESS3.2)
    Patterns (4DESS3.3)
Science and Technology (4EST)
Abilities of technological design (4EST1)
    Identify a simple problem (4EST1.1)
    Propose a solution (4EST1.2)
    Implementing proposed solutions (4EST1.3)
    Evaluate a product or design (4EST1.4)
    Communicate a problem, design, and solution (4EST1.5)
Understanding about science and technology (4EST2)
    Science is one way of answering questions people have about the world (4EST2.1)
    People invent tools and techniques to solve problems and avoid new problems (4EST2.2)
    Teams of scientists and engineers often work together (4EST2.3)
    All kinds of women and men do a variety of scientific/technological work (4EST2.4)
    Tools help scientists do science better (4EST2.5)
Abilities to distinguish between natural objects and objects made by humans (4EST3)
    Some objects occur in nature; others are made by people to enhance life (4EST3.1)
    Objects can be categorized into two groups, natural and designed (4EST3.2)
Science in Personal and Social Perspectives (4FSPSP)
Personal health (4FSPSP1)
    Safety and security are basic needs of humans (4FSPSP1.1)
    Individuals have some responsibility for their own health (4FSPSP1.2)
    Nutrition is essential to health (4FSPSP1.3)
    Different substances can damage the body and how it functions (4FSPSP1.4)
Characteristics and changes in populations (4FSPSP2)
    Human populations include groups living in a particular location (4FSPSP2.1)
    The size of a human population can increase or decrease (4FSPSP2.2)
Types of resources (4FSPSP3)
    We get resources from the living and nonliving environment (4FSPSP3.1)
    Some resources are basic materials, some are produced from basic resources, some are nonmaterial. (4FSPSP3.2)
    The supply of many resources is limited. (4FSPSP3.3)
Changes in environments (4FSPSP4)
    Environmental factors affect the ability to survive and the quality of life (4FSPSP4.1)
    Changes in environments can be natural or influenced by humans (4FSPSP4.2)
    Some environmental changes occur slowly, others occur rapidly (4FSPSP4.3)
Science and technology in local challenges (4FSPSP5)
    People continue inventing new ways of doing things/solving problems (4FSPSP5.1)
    Science and technology have greatly improved things for some people (4FSPSP5.2)
History and Nature of Science (4GHNS1)
Science as a human endeavor (4GHNS1)
    Science and technology have been practiced by people for a long time (4GHNS1.1)
    Men and women have made a variety of contributions throughout the history of science and technology (4GHNS1.2)
    Much more remains to be understood, science will never be finished (4GHNS1.3)
    Many people choose science as a lifelong career and enjoy it (4GHNS1.4)


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