To determine how well an adapted PALS task assesses the targets you selected, we encourage you to try out the task, gather input about the adapted task from other teachers, science curriculum experts and community members, and consider student results, classroom demographics and instructional factors that affect student learning. Below we have included a data collection form that will help you evaluate your adapted task. The form contains two parts: (I) General Information and (II) Classroom Information. In the first part you are asked to provide information about the adapted task (i.e., changes to the targets, administration procedures, student directions and rubric). The second part, Classroom Information, focuses on student results, classroom demographics, and instructional factors.
We are interested in learning about how you use PALS tasks and would appreciate it if you also return competed evaluation forms to us. The data can be submitted electronically by clicking the Submit button when you are finished.
Teacher Name:
Name of PALS task that was adapted:
Student Grade Level:
1. National Science Education Standards tested:
2. Describe the targets you developed:
3. Please mark the numbers below to indicate how many teachers, science curriculum experts, and community members have reviewed your adapted task to determine the extent to which it addresses the standards and targets you intended to measure.
Science Curriculum Experts
Community Members
1. Describe the changes made to the administration procedures:
2. Describe the changes made to the task and student directions:
3. Describe the changes made to the materials or equipment specified in the performance task:
4. How did students complete the task?
5. Over what period of time was the task administered? (please specify numbers)
total number hours over class periods
Please mark the numbers below to indicate how many teachers, science curriculum experts, and community members have reviewed your adapted task to determine the extent to which:
6. The instructions and questions clearly describe the purpose of the experiment.
7. The equipment works as intended and helps students conduct the investigation.
8. The science content is appropriate and accurate.
9. The investigation is at the appropriate level for your students.
10. The adapted task enables students to demonstrate their understanding of the subject content and inquiry process.
11. The adapted task is not biased against any culture, ethnicity or gender.
1. Describe the changes made to the rubric and scoring procedures:
2. The rubric is specific and descriptive enough to distinguish between all levels of performance.
3. The scales and criteria are appropriate for measuring each students work.
4. The rubric focuses on aspects of the task that are central to student performance.
5. Please mark the numbers below to indicate how many teachers, science curriculum experts, and community members have used the rubric to evaluate student work:
6. If applicable, how well do the scores of several judges of each student's work agree?
Please complete the following information for your classroom.
Rubric scores: For each student fill in as many scores/ratings of key behaviors as apply (e.g., data analysis, quality of explanation, overall score).
After you have calculated the summary statistics for each score in each classroom, you should determine for the following: (1) Is the average score very high or very low?; and (2) What is the range of scores? Knowing the average score tells you the typical level of performance for all students. If the average score is very high, your instruction may be very effective, the item may be too easy, or the students may have known the content prior to instruction. If the average score is very low, your instruction may be ineffective, or the item may be too difficult or poorly written. Your knowledge of your students, their instructional history and the conditions in your classroom, including your familiarity with performance assessments, should help you interpret the meaning of the average scores. By examining both the average score and the range of scores in your classroom, you can judge whether further instruction is needed for the whole class or only selected groups of students. You can use this information to modify the difficulty level of the task or adjust your instruction.
Please give your best estimate.
1. Percent low income:
2. Percent minority:
3. Percent LEP:
4. Percent female:
5. Percent male:
6. Any special classroom characteristics (e.g., Gifted and Talented, ESL, AP/honors)?
No Yes
(If Yes please specify):
The classroom demographics provide a context for interpreting variation in students' scores. You may want to use this information to further refine the task. For example, if all of the low income students in your class score poorly on the task, your assessment may require knowledge that is not readily available to these students.
1. Please estimate the number of hours to date that you spent teaching this science topic during the current school year.
total number hours
2. As you were teaching this science topic, did you have the opportunity to conduct other investigations?
If yes, describe the investigations:
3. Would you like more background information about this science topic?
Consider whether students received enough instruction in the content area assessed. Were the resources and learning opportunities sufficient for students? Did you have ample resources about the topic? If students did not perform well, consider how these factors may have contributed to their low performance.
Please provide any additional comments that you would like to make regarding the use of this performance task.